
Management of Wasting

Wasting or acute malnutrition is a life-threatening condition, increasing the risk of death and serious illness. It occurs as a result of recent rapid weight loss or a failure to gain weight, most often caused by severe nutritional restrictions, a recent bout of illness, inappropriate childcare practices or a combination of these factors. It is characterised by extreme weight loss, resulting in low weight for height, and/or low mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) with or without the presence of bilateral oedema. While global efforts have focused on providing treatment for wasted children, particularly in humanitarian crisis, access to treatment remains unacceptably low, and urgent attention is needed to develop and scale-up solutions for both the treatment and prevention of wasting.


Global Thematic Working Group

The Wasting GTWG for Wasting was formed in early 2020.

It currently has 44 members from a wide range of organisations and is jointly chaired by ENN and UNICEF. There are 5 sub-working groups: Prevention, Programming in the absence of products, Updating national guidelines, Costing methodologies and MNPs in the context of Specialised Nutritional Products. 

During the quarter, the Wasting GTWG held two meetings as well as four subgroup meetings (two subgroups met once in the quarter, namely the prevention and costing groups and the subgroup exploring MNPs in the context of Specialised Nutritious Foods (SNFs) met twice.


Minh Tram Le


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